
When I had taken the StregthFinders test, my top five themes were input, consistency, adaptability, relator, and communication. When I first saw these themes as my top five, there were some which I was surprised about because they fit me so well, and some which I thought did not fit me at all. Out of these five strengths I would like others to see me as consistent and as a relator. Consistent is when “there is a consistent environment where the rules are clear and applied to everyone equally.” (Gallup, Clifton Strengths). As a woman, especially as a muslim woman, I understand when there are a separate set of rules set when working together. Not only is that unfair, these “separate rules”, the inequality, does not let me perform at my best. These restrictions are what hold most people back when there should be no restrictions at all. There needs to be a consistent environment, an even playing field, for everyone. People should not get judged because of their gender, their race or their religion. Everyone should get an equal chance no matter who they are.  I also want people to see me as a relator because I value relationships, old as well as new ones. I am a really shy person, and it takes me a while to become comfortable with others. However, once I am comfortable with someone, I can be really outgoing. I care for those who I am close to and am invested into that friendship. I want what is best for my friends and my teammates, and want to push them to be the very best that they can be. I hope that others can see my consistent and relator characteristics within my work style and contributions.
